The ultimate goal of love is to stay together forever, which is always difficult and painful. If the goal is to break up, will people continue to pour out their feelings without any reservation for a specified period of time, or will they become less in love and less in anticipation?Is love for the purpose of breaking up the ultimate mode of love under the development of the fast-paced era?
For this new generation of young people, I have conceived the project “The Breakup Plan”, which is a planning manual for planned breakups, in the hope of bringing the concept of planned love into the public eye so that people can know more about the existence of this form of love.
英國政府於2004年12月6日向全國的非婚同居男女們發出「警告」,敦促他們簽訂「同居協議書」,以避免分手後因房產和財物等引起不必要的糾紛。這份協議書可以由雙方自己起草,也可以從政府指定網址處下載。協議書內容將明確規定雙方一旦終結同居關系,包括房屋和財物等的所有權歸屬。 法國從1999年底開始實施緊密關系民事協議,成為戀人在法律關系上組建家庭的一種選擇。而在2010年,法國有24.9萬對男女登記結婚,19.5萬對伴侶登記民事伴侶關系。